Masm is Not Nasm

Disclosure: These are notes written by myself, a newbie in learning Assembly. I like to study by writing notes and make assumptions on what is going on. The former because I can retrieve them better and I would also like if they could be of any help to somebody. The... [Read More]

Shifts and arithmetic operations on integers

The case study in NASM

SHL/SHR. Logic shift to the left/right. Fill spaces with 0s. Carry flag equals the last bit moved out from the number(Adjacent to the MSB/LSB). SAL. Arithmetic shift to the left. Equivalent to SHL. SAR. Arithmetic shift to the right. Called arithmetic since preserves the sign. Spaces are filled with the... [Read More]

Ad un romantico del ventunesimo secolo

Caro sentimentale del ventunesimo secolo, questa riflessione nasce come conseguenza del continuo sentirmi ripetere “tu sbagli” dopo essere stato accusato di un eccessivo romanticismo sia in amore che nella vita. [Read More]